Living document with blog style and standard operating procedures.

SOP: Making a post

SOP: File setup

Published post format: /_posts/

  • YYYY-MM-DD is the date of the first publication.
  • Assests for the post should be in: /assets/PERMALINK-OF-POST/
  • File attribute permalink should be set to PERMALINK-OF-POST, same as in the file name.
  • File attribute date should be set to the most recent publish date.

Draft and WIP have no ruels associated with them

SOP: Local compiling and serving

cd to the appropriate folder: ...\

Build the site and make it available on a local server, with or without the posts in _drafts

bundle exec jekyll serve
bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts

Then browse to:


SOP: Publishing

  1. Set date attribute the publish date (today).
  2. Commit files/changes to main git branch.
  3. Push to origin.

It will take a few minutes for the changes to take effect.

Setup and install

Built with Jekyll

Basic Jekyll setup that almost entirely copies the setup of Andrej Karpathy’s blog (as of 2022), which it self is very close to the vanilla Jekyll setup. I.e. nothing anything fancy.

I chose Jekyll because it is light weight (to use and load), I can reasonably understand what is going on, and once setup it is very quick to write posts using markdown and basic HTML.

Install Jekyll

Follow the instructions:

cd to the appropriate folder: ...\

gem install bundle

bundle update 

Setup custom domain

Follow this guide

Troubleshoot Jekyll

Issues with wdm

See thread: